Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
227 lines
PAGE ,132
; ============== Turbo Prolog Interface ===================================
; The Purpose of these Clauses is to Fixup a name so that They look nice
; In turbo prolog..
; Note that the call is fixup(Instring,Outstring),
; Turbo Prolog Supplies us with the address of the Instring at [Bp+10] modif.
; The Outstring address we MUST supply to turbo prolog and this address MUST
; be placed at [Bp+6]modified .
; Note that the latest changes have made the algorithm so that the
; array of strings is now circular.
; Note that to use this for turbo prolog, you must declare this routine
; external asm in the GLOBAL PREDICATES SECTION, i.e.
; .
; .
; .
; determ fixup(STRING,STRING) - (i,o) language asm
; A string Must be used as the parameter type.
XchgSeg MACRO Seg1,Seg2
Push Seg1 ; Save the Segment register
Push Seg2 ; Save the Segment register
Pop Seg1 ; Put Segment here
Pop Seg2 ; The same for the first
Push Ax ; Save the regs
Push Bx ;
Push Cx ;
Push Dx ;
Push Bp ;
Push Si ;
Push Di ;
Pushf ; And the fags
Popf ; Pop All
Pop Di ;
Pop Si ;
Pop Bp ;
Pop Dx ;
Pop Cx ;
Pop Bx ;
Pop Ax ;
Public fixup_0
InputArg Equ [Bp+10]
OutputArg Equ [Bp+6]
BytesPerEntry Equ 40
Fixup Segment Byte
Assume Cs:Fixup
DataArea DB 40 dup(BytesPerEntry dup("*")) ; A 40x40 array
OldDs Dw ?
OldEs Dw ?
CurrPos Db 0 ; Defines current position
CurrOff Dw OFFSET DataArea ; This is what it starts at -- Changes
fixup_0 Proc Far
; form is fixup(String,String) -- (i,o) ;
Push Bp ; Modified Bp, here!
Mov Bp,Sp ;
Pusha ;
Mov OldDs,Ds ;
Mov OldEs,Es ;
Lds Si,InputArg ;
Push Cs ; DatArea Segment is same as Cs
Pop Es ; To here
Mov Di,CurrOff ; Snag the current offset
Call Proper ;
Lds Si,OutputArg ; Place OUR ADDRESS HERE
Mov [Si+2],Es ;
Mov [Si],Di ; Now Prolog knows where
Inc CurrPos ; Increment this
Add CurrOff,BytesPerEntry ; Add to have new ofset next
Mov Ax,CurrOff ; Get the current offset
Mov Bx,(SIZE DataArea)*BytesPerEntry; Get the # bytes there
Cwd ; Do this
Div Bx ; Check it out
Jo NoCirculate ; If OV then it's not past end
Mov Ax,OFFSET DataArea ; Get the offset
Mov CurrOff,Ax ; Save the first value
Mov CurrPos,0 ; And Clear this
NoCirculate: Mov Ax,OldDs ;
Mov Ds,Ax ;
Mov Ax,OldEs ;
Mov Es,Ax ;
Popa ;
Pop Bp ;
Ret 8 ; Retrun removing parms
fixup_0 Endp
Length Proc Near
; Returns the length of an asciiz string. ;
; INPUT: ;
; DS:SI = Address of ASCIIZ string ;
; AX = Length of string (Not including the NULL char at end ;
Push Di ;
Push Cx ; Save them
Xor Cx,Cx ; Clear to 0
Not Cx ; And flip the bits
Cld ;
Mov Di,Si ;
XchgSeg Ds,Es ;
Mov Al,0 ; Search
Repnz Scasb ; Scan for the 0
Not Cx ; Flip the bits back
Mov Ax,Cx ; Put count Here
Dec Ax ; And take one out -- do not include 0
XchgSeg Ds,Es ;
Pop Cx ; Get the old Cx
Pop Di ; Get the ols si
Ret ; And exit
Length Endp
LowerCase Proc Near
; Converts entire input string to lowercase. ;
; INPUT : ;
; DS:SI = Address of source string. ;
; ES:DI = Address of new string exactly like first exept all lc. ;
; OUTPUT : ;
; ES:DI = Address of New string all in lowercase. ;
Pusha ;
Cld ; Yep
Call Length ; Get the Length
Mov Cx,Ax ; Put it for the count
_UtoLtop: Lodsb ; Get it
Cmp Al,'A' ; Well
Jb @F ; Nope
Cmp Al,'Z' ; Well...
Ja @F ; Nope skip add
Add Al,20h ; Convert to lower case
@@: Stosb ;
Loop _UtoLtop ; Back
Popa ;
Ret ;
LowerCase Endp
Proper Proc Near
; Make a given input string to proper format. i. e. ;
; "THIS IS A STRING",0 made proper would look like... ;
; "This Is A String",0 ;
; INPUT : ;
; DS:SI = Source input string. ;
; ES:DI = Destination address. ;
; ES:DI = address of output proper string. ;
Pusha ;
Cld ;
; First convert to lowercase
Mov Di,Si ; First make the source all lower
Push Es ;
Mov Ax,Ds ; Equate source and destination
Mov Es,Ax ; so we can call below.
Call LowerCase ; Make it all like lower case
; Now search and do.
Pop Es ;
Popa ;
Pusha ;
Mov Ah,0 ; Clear our flag
_FindWord: Lodsb ;
Cmp Al,0 ; Are we done
Je _ProperDone ;
Cmp Al,'a' ; well?
Jb @F ;
Cmp Al,'z' ;
Ja @F ;
Add Al,-20h ; Ok
Dec Ah ;
@@: Stosb ;
Or Ah,Ah ;
Jns _FindWord ; Not negative then keep finding
; Found word and converted
_FindDelim: Lodsb ; Grab
Cmp Al,0 ;
Je _ProperDone ;
Cmp Al,'a' ; Well
Jae _Pt2xx ;
_Pt2xx: Cmp Al,'z' ; Ok?
Jbe @F ; Skip the flag reset
_DFp: Inc Ah ; Back to 0
@@: Stosb ;
Or Ah,Ah ;
Js _FindDelim ; While negative keep searching
Jmp _FindWord ; Back to word search
_ProperDone: Stosb ; Save the ASCIIZ
Popa ;
Ret ;
Proper Endp
Fixup Ends